CAP Programme

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CAP Athlete Launch Event 2012/13

Talented young athletes from Coventry and Warwickshire have been given valuable support as they continue to develop their sporting potential.
A group of 30 young sports stars from across Coventry and Warwickshire have been awarded a total of £12,578 to help them achieve their sporting ambitions.

The bursaries were awarded during a special event at the University of Warwick’s Cryfield Pavilion in Coventry.

CAP, now in its fifth year, is a bursary scheme co-ordinated by CSW Sport which provides support to talented athletes from across the sub-region. The bursaries are funded by Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council.

The funding is used by athletes to assist their development by covering some of the costs associated with their sports including coaching, equipment, travel and competition entry fees.

The athletes were presented with their awards by Cllr Carolyn Robbins from Warwickshire County Council and David Nuttall from Coventry City Council.

Among those recognised during the presentations were Coventry triathlete Sian Rainsley, Stratford archer Michael McCarthy, Warwick fencer Ellie Cormack, Rugby golfer Lauren Taylor and Nuneaton judo expert Kyle Sweet.

Updated Profiles 2012 for all CAP Athletes

CAP Athlete Camilla Torch Bearer for 'The Games'

As many of you may have heard, the Olympic Torch Routes have now been confirmed and we are delighted to say that one of our very own CAP Athletes Camilla Hadland (Rowing) has been given a confirmed place on the torch relay.

Camilla will be running between Shakespeare's Birthplace on Henley Street and Western Road (on the Birmingham Road) at around 3.07pm Sunday 1st July.

Hope to see some of you there!

We would be extremely grateful if you could keep the date in your diaries to come down and support the relay if at all possible!

Proposed start times of when and where the Olympic Flame will travel across Britain are also included - online at  Click here

CAP 2012/2013 - Applications now closed

For further information please contact


c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus