Funding Information

CSW Sport has put together a funding webpage to support individuals and organisations that require support in applying for funding. 

Before you apply we request you read through our CSW Sport advice pack which will give you valuable advice before, during and after your application.
Coventry Solihull & Warwickshire Sport Funding Advice Pack

Funding Providers

Please Click here to see our brand new Funding Search facility

To seek advice on a funding application please complete and return the relevant form

  • CSW Sport Funding Enquiry Form

Other Funding Opportunities:

Sport England

Coach Funding Programmes

  • Bursaries for Coaches Click here to find out more

Funding Resources & Factsheets

To support you in applying for funding CSW Sport has also put together a list of key resources & factsheets for you to view. Each link will provide you practical support and could provide you with inspiration when developing and writing about your project.

c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus