Warwickshire Exercise Referral Scheme

Warwickshire Exercise Referral Scheme

Information for the Individual     

The exercise referral scheme is a chance for those who are less active and suffer from mild/moderate health conditions to become more involved in Physical Activity.  It consists of a 12 week personalised programme for each individual at a leisure provider of their choice.  For each district/borough there are different exercise providers, to list each one just simply click on the link below with information on instructors and prices; 
Warwick      Stratford        North Warwickshire    

                                    Nuneaton and Bedworth   Rugby                                 

Other activities that are on offer in the different areas can also be highlighted below, this includes activities that are free and some incur a small cost. Click on the area below to bring up the summary sheet

Warwick         Stratford         North Warwickshire

Nuneaton and Bedworth        Rugby

How to be referred? 

 To become part of the scheme you first need to be referred by any qualified health professional, if your GP practice / Health professional does not know about the scheme contact the exercise referral co-ordinator and they will visit the health professional to try and get them on board.  After the referral has been made your referral form will be sent to your chosen exercise provider. 

The qualified exercise referral instructor will then contact you directly to book you in for your first 1:1 consultation where they will find out a bit more about you, and get you started on your 12 week journey to improve your health.  We ask that you fill in the after your final assessment which should already be part of your welcome pack.

Information for the Health Professionals

To make a referral simply fill in the attached referral form and send one copy to the chosen exercise provider and one copy to the exercise referral co-ordinator. Alternatively you can now make referrals quicker through the use of Health line, call 03000 247 111, they will fill the form in on your behalf over the telephone and send the copies of the forms out for you. 

If you are not already actively making referrals contact the Exercise Referral co-ordinator for more information, you will be supplied with packs for the referred patients, and other promotional material to go up in your surgery to ensure the referrals are quick and easy to complete. 

The Exercise Referral scheme is a great way to get more people to get active and healthy, attached is a list of eligible conditions for patients.  The more referrals that are made the less people we have inactive and suffering from illness.   Listed above are the exercise providers for each area, including instructors name and prices for the scheme. 

Information for Exercise Providers

To become part of the scheme you will need to meet the eligible conditions, and one member of staff will need to hold an exercise referral qualification.

The 12 week scheme consists of one initial 1:1 appointment followed by a 6/7 week appointment and a final 12 week check.  It is down to you how much you charge for the scheme.  If you would like to become a part of the scheme fill in the attached registration form and a checklist criteria.   To gain more information please contact the scheme co-ordinator.

Walking for Health

Walking for health also runs in all of our districts/boroughs, most of the walks are free and weekly.  Each area has its own timetable see below

Warwick WFH Timetable      Stratford WFH Timetable   Rugby WFH timetable

 Nuneaton and Bedworth WFH Timetable        North Warwickshire WFH

Have a look at our Physical Activity page to see the benefits of staying active and healthy. 
Scheme co-ordinator contact details:

  Address - CSW Sport, University of Warwick, Westwood Campus, or

Other Useful links

 British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health (BHFNC)useful resources and information

Community Games, organise or promote the concept of organising a Community Games, inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Sport Makers, volunteering programme for people who are 16+. Can you be a Sport Maker? The programme is linked and inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Contact Emma O'Dowd, Development Manager (Clubs & Volunteers) for more information. or

Sportivate, a grants programme for 6 week coaching blocks of sport or physical activity for 14-25 year olds


c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus