Year One Sportivate Results Published
More than 80,000 young people nationally have been inspired to do sport in their own time in the first nine months of Sport England's Sportivate Olympic and Paralympic Legacy initiative.
Figures released today show that almost 50,000 of the 14-15 year olds have got involved in sport in the past three months alone as the excitement around a home Games takes hold. All teenagers and young adults have received six weeks of coaching in a sport of their choice, missing no more than one session.
For more information visit the Sport England webpage.
Within Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire 1,500 teenagers and young adults have been involved in the Sportivate programme, with 1,200 of these attending a minimum of 5 out of 6 sessions, showing that the programme is already helping to transform lives.
What is Sportivate?
Organisations/clubs/bodies are encouraged to apply for Sportivate funding. Sportivate is a Lottery funded grants programme linked to the 2012 Olympic Legacy Strategy Places, People, Play and aims to get more 14-25 year olds into participating in sport on a regular basis.
Sportivate funding is available for projects to deliver six consecutive one hour weekly coaching sessions to give participants a taste of an activity they have not tried before, in order to engage them and encourage them to continue to participate in a community setting.
Delivery should be aimed at semi-sporty teenagers and young adults i.e. those who may not seek out sporting opportunities themselves and would not prioritise doing sport in their own time or those who are doing sport for a very limited amount of time.
There will be two opportunities to apply for funding each year until 2015
to watch the Sportivate video which gives you more information on the programme
Inspire Mark
CSW Sport is proud to have been awarded the Inspire Mark for the Sportivate programme within Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire
Who Can Apply?
Organisations/clubs/bodies who are able to demonstrate that there is sufficient demand for their project and can provide or promote suitable exit routes for participants is encouraged to apply for Sportivate funding.
Any income generated as a result of Sportivate funded project(s) should be utilised to support the objectives of the Sportivate project(s) directly.
Further Information
For further information or to discuss a potential project, please contact Ruth Owen-Evans, Partnership Development Officer (Communities & Performance), Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire Sport. or
For a greater understanding of the Sportivate programme and the application process and criteria we recommend you attend an application workshop. Workshops will also provide you with the opportunity to organise a one to one session to discuss your application.
The next available Sportivate workshop is;
Tuesday 12th June 6.30-8pm - Xcel Leisure Centre, Coventry
Wednesday 11th July 6.30-8pm - Leamington Town Hall, Leamington Spa
To book your place on one of the above workshops please contact or call
The next deadline for Sportivate is for delivery between 1st October 2012 and 31st March 2013.
To apply for funding for this delivery period, please complete and return the application template below and return to CSW Sport by Monday 13th August 2012.
**Additional Funding Opportunity!**
CSW Sport is accepting and encouraging Sportivate project applications for coaching delivery that are inspired by and caters for the excitement created around large scale sporting events (such as Wimbledon and the Olympic Games). Projects should be delivered between May and September 2012. Please contact or call for more information on how to apply for this funding round.
Click here to download the Sportivate guidance notes
Click here to download the Sportivate application template
Click here to download the Sportivate logo
Click here to download a good example of a Sportivate application
Click here to download an example of an unsuccessful Sportivate application
Case Studies
Engaging Young Women Case Study
Disability Case Study
National Governing Body Engagement Case Study
Higher Education Case Study
Templates and Handouts
Safeguarding Checklist
Coach Minimum Operating Standards
Service Level Agreement
Monitoring and Evaluation
Registration Form (14-15 yr olds)
Registration Form (16-25 yr olds)
Data Protection Guidance
Handout for Participants
Individual Session Attendance Register Template
Overall Project Attendance Register Template
Sportivate Online Portal Guidance
End of Project Reconciliation Form
End of Project Summary Form