National Governing Bodies

National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) are at the Heart of the Sport England strategy as it is their networks of community clubs, coaches and volunteers that make sport happen. Sport England, therefore, funds 46 National Governing Bodies, all of which have developed a Whole Sport Plan (09-13 plan) that explains how it will use this funding to develop their sport and contribute towards Sport England’s three outcomes - Grow, Sustain and Excel.

For further information on the funding NGB’s receive from Sport England please use the link below: 

CSW Sport along with all 49 CSP’s have been funded by Sport England to provide a consistent set of services to support NGB’s deliver their 09-13 plans at a local level.  The CSP core funding specification document outlines the services that County Sports Partnerships will provide to National Governing Bodies and Sport England. This is a consistent contractual agreement between Sport England and all 49 CSPs in England.

Core Funding Specification (PDF)

A Core funding interpretation guide has been created to help partners and stakeholders fully understand the services that CSPs will provide for governing bodies and Sport England through the core offer. Sport England and CSPN worked together to create this to provide a little more detail to ensure clarity of understanding around the core offer.

Core Funding Interpretation Guide (PDF)

If you are a Governing Body and would like to discuss how you can work with CSW Sport please contact Abi Dixon, Sports Development Manager,

c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus