Accredited Clubs in Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire

  • Clubmark is Sport England's mark of a high quality junior club. 
  • Clubmark clubs have achieved a set of criteria
  • For more information on Clubmark and the criteria visit our Clubmark pages

CSW Sport have developed interactive maps showing the Clubmark clubs in our subregion, linking to further information on the club's activites. Click on the map of the subregion below to enter the interactive maps. 

(Please refer to the Charter Standard section for information on Football Clubs)

A list of Clubmark clubs, with details of club websites, is also provided in a spreadsheet format at the bottom of the page.

How to use the maps:

Click on the map of the sub region above to enter the interactive maps.

Select an individual club for further details or select a 'detailed map', this is where there are a large number of Clubmark clubs in one area.

Selecting an individual club will take you to the club's website, providing information on the club's activites.

You can alter what you see on a map by using the following buttons (found in the menu):

Click the layer button to show the different layers Select this layers button to show the different layers of the maps

 Click '+' to expand the layers Select the ‘+’ next to the folder to expand any of the layer groups

Click the box to show the layer, or the eye to remove it To display a layer, click in the box next to the layer you want to show. To turn the layer off, click on the eye next to the layer you want to remove. The changes will then be displayed on the map.

Charter Standard

  • The Charter Standard scheme is the Football Associations best practice guide that sets standards of coaching, administration and child protection for clubs working with young children.
  • More information on Charter Standard

View the list of Charter Standard Football clubs and Clubmark clubs in our subregion here.

Information on other sports clubs and activities within our area

Click here for Coventry Active

Click here for Solihull Active

Click here for Warwickshire

 If you require any further information please contact Ian McLean, Development Manager (Clubs & Volunteers)



c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus