National & Regional Initiatives

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National Initiatives



Change4life is a society-wide movement that aims to help families eat well, move more and live longer by changing behaviour. Please consider becoming a supporter and organisations becoming a partner of the initiative. More information can be found here or the Change4life can be visited here.

Promoting activity toolkit is a website with useful resources and tools for promoting activity, such as the activity search tool, communication tools and poster design tools, which are aligned to the Change4life branding system. Refer here for more details.

Dance Champions

Dance Champions is an exciting new venture which has been developed to support and encourage more people to be more active. Dance champions aims to champion dance in all its forms and to lend support to a range of existing initiatives that promote participation in dance.

Find more information here or visit the national website here for more detail.

Free Swimming


The free swimming initiative finished at the end of July 2010. Please check with your local authority to see whether they are offering any free or discounted swimming sessions or lessons.

Let’s Get Moving (The Physical Activity Care Pathway)

This is a Department of Health initiative that is currently being rolled out across the country. It is an evidence based intervention using a behaviour change approach that focuses on 16-74 year olds. It is can be based in a range of care settings such as GP surgeries, pharmacists, health trainer service, mental health settings and diabetes clinics. It is designed to assist practitioners in guiding inactive adults towards becoming more active for the prevention and management of chronic disease. Click here for more information.

The Department of Health guidance and more information on the initiative can be found 

Walking for Health                                                                     


Natural England is the body responsible for coordinating Walking for Health (WfH) previously known as Walking the Way to Health (WHI). The scheme is about encouraging people, particularly those who take little exercise, to do regular short walks in their communities led by a trained leader. See the Be Active in your Local Area page for further information in local areas or go directly to the walk finder database here or click here for the Walking for Health main website.

Walk4life Miles (previously Active 2012 Challenge Routes)

Walk England are coordinating the delivery of 2012 new Walk4life miles across England as part of the National physical activity plan, ‘Be Active Be Healthy’ and the 2012 Olympic legacy action plan. The initiative is also interested in short walks, typically less than 5 miles. The idea has been designed to get people more active, specifically in their local area, and to be able to record their walking activity online. Walk England are working with various partners to continue to develop labelled routes that can provide walkable connections for local people to use as part of their everyday journeys. People are able to upload their own routes, share their favourites with friends and annotate them with their own images and comments. Click here to visit the website and here to find out more about the initiative.

Other National Initiatives/programmes

Children and Young People

Youth Sport Trust Programmes

Youth Sport Programmes can be found  and they include: -

Active Lifestyles Project. A pdf showing information on this can be found here

Girls Active, empowering 13-16 year old girls to enjoy sporting activity. Click for more detail

Start to Play, for children, 0 to 5 year olds to enjoy play and being active. Click for more detail

Active Play, activities for 4 to 7 year olds. Click for more detail


Healthy Schools, the joint initiative between Department for Children’s Schools and Families, (DCSF) and Department of Health (DH) that promotes a whole school / whole child approach to health. Click here for more information.

Schools on the Move, the school-based pedometer promotion for 9-13 year olds, designed to encourage pupils to become more active. Click here for more information.

Walk to School, run by Living Streets and funded by the Department of Transport, it offers information and tools to help support children walking to school. Click here for more information.

Regional Initiatives

Community Games

Community Games provide a great opportunity for everyone to bring their community together to take part in sporting and cultural activities inspired by, and in celebration of, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. People can set up their own Community Games, which can compromise of a wide range of sporting and/or cultural activities. There is a toolkit available to support people and organisations who are organising, are planning to organise or considering organising their own Community Games. Please click here for more information on this West Midlands initiative.

Dancing for the Games (formerly known as People Dancing)


People Dancing is a three year programme of activity aimed at encouraging mass participation in dance and dance related activity across the West Midlands. The programme is aimed at getting people across the West Midlands moving for themselves and inspiring people of all ages, skills and abilities to make dance part of their everyday lives. Click here for more information or visit either of the webpages here or here

Please encourage potential partners and organisations to consider running a project through this initiative.

c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus