Physical Activity Small Grants Scheme

The scheme is closed. There are no plans to run a 3rd window.

List of Summaries of the Funded Projects from the 1st Window

List of Summaries of the Funded Projects from the 2nd Window

Visit the CSW Sport Funding Search Tool for grants schemes appropriate to your organisation

*Please note the 5th point down about the age of the project's beneficiaries, which is a change from the first window and the upper limit for applications is now £1500.*

  • Funding is available of between £200-£1500 for sustainable projects that contribute towards getting people more physically active on an ongoing basis.

  • This scheme is for not for profit organisations.

  • There are 2 application windows. The first window opened on 19th July 2010 and closed on 17th September 2010. The second window opened on 27th September 2010 and closed on 19th November 2010. A panel met at the end of each window to assess applications.

  • The project needs to directly benefit people who are inactive or have low physical activity levels.

  • *Projects in which the beneficiaries are 16 and over, or under 5. Please note this is a change from the first window, from being on a priority basis to now being that projects must meet this criterion.*

  • Organisations need to be based within the boundaries of Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire. The project that is being undertaken and the participants of the project need to be from within these boundaries.

  • Grants can be awarded for projects that contribute towards getting people more physically active. The scheme can award financial contributions towards:-

  • A new project starting or the development or expansion of a successful project.
  • The marketing and promotion of a particular project.......
  • The cost of equipment and/or kit.....
  • The cost of volunteer/paid workforce development courses........
  • The cost of an event(s).......
  • Other projects that contribute towards getting people more physically active.
  • Funding can only contribute up to the first 12 months of the project if the project lasts longer than 12 months.

*Please note the point about the age categories of the project beneficiaries, above, which is a change from the 1st window, and the upper limit for applications is now £1500.*


  • Please note that priority is given on various factors such as projects that demonstrate plans for sustainability or that have the potential to become sustainable, have clear justification and potential for getting people more physically active, and on an ongoing basis, target the least active and are robust and well organised projects or have the potential for this.
  • To apply for the scheme a Project Proposal Form needs to be completed and a Summary Report Form needs to be completed at the end of the project or after 12 months, whichever is sooner.
  • If you would like to ask any questions related to the scheme please email or call .

To apply please read the documentation below and complete a Project Proposal form within one of the deadline windows.

The scheme is closed. There are no plans to have a 3rd window.

Documents to download

Please note that the Project Proposal Form and Terms and Conditions document needs to be sent in hard copy, as a hard copy signature needs to be received to say that you are happy to sign the terms and conditions of the scheme. It would be helpful if could send this form electronically in addition to this, for reference, if you have completed the form using a computer.

Guidance Notes - please read through this before applying for the scheme and when you are completing the Project Proposal Form.

Project Proposal Form and Terms and Conditions of the scheme - please complete this form when applying for the scheme. Please read the Terms and Conditions of the scheme carefully and sign to say that you have read them.

Summary Report Form - to be completed at the end of the project or after 12 months, whichever is sooner.

List of Summaries of the Funded Projects from the 1st Window

List of Summaries of the Funded Projects from the 2nd Window

Useful documents

Data Protection Guidance - useful information on Data Protection for your project.

Example Attendance Register - register that could be used or adapted for projects.

Example Participant Registration Form - registration form for participants that could be used or adapted for projects.

For more information or questions please contact Rich Collinson, Physical Activity Lead Officer, or .

For other funding opportunities visit CSW Sport funding page, CSW Sport funding search tool, Warwickshire County Council funding page,  Coventry City Council funding page or Solihull MBC external funding page


Other opportunities coordinated by CSW Sport

Please note that CSW Sport coordinate the Sportivate initiative for Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire, offering 6 week blocks of activities for young people aged between 14-25, and the Coach Bursary Scheme covering the same area.

Are you organising, planning to organise or would ever consider organising a local Community Games event? For example, a Olympic style event or another festival involving sport, physical activity or the cultural arts? Click here to find out more

c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus