Resources and Links

View the other sections of the Physical Activity pages by clicking on the relevant section of the navigation bar to the left hand side.

Please find below resources and links to research, publications and potentially useful websites in the area of physical activity. You can click on the blue links to visit the relevant websites

Please also see the Be Active in your Local area and the Activity Links pages

Please note that the links that are listed are external sites and not managed by CSW Sport and so CSW Sport takes no responsibility for their contents.

Click here to see a pdf version of the links below

Social Marketing and Promoting Physical Activity

Promoting Activity toolkit including the Research page

National Social Marketing Centre

BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health, research and evaluation centre to improve and extend the practice of physical activity interventions and promoting physical activity in the UK

Sport England Market Segmentation and Interactive Web Tool, and Training resources for Market Segmentation, module 5 and 6 (and Active People Survey). 

Department of Health Market Segmentation, 6 clusters, Section 7 of Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives, Consumer Insight Summary

Make Sport Fun, Social Marketing Campaigns for sport and physical activity

Experian, Marketing Services (organisation that numerous public sector organisations use)

Association of Public Health Observatories, Health profiles for local areas

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Promoting Physical Activity for Children and Young People, and other publications

The Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation have produced a set of participation factsheets

Examples of documents on Social Marketing, Understanding Participation and Promoting Physical Activity from the links above and below

Understanding Participation in Sport, a Systematic Review, commissioned by Sport England September 2005

Understanding the Lapsed Participant, commissioned by Sport England February 2008

Guidelines for the Promotion of Physical Activity for Older People, BHFNC

General Physical Activity and Sport

See the other sections under Physical activity including Be Active in your Local area for other links

Proxy Physical Activity Indicator Results (scroll down to the relevant link) for various governmental targets, collated on one spreadsheet by PAN-WM, plus other useful resources

Obesity and Walking Maps produced by Natural England. NHS Coventry area, NHS Warwickshire area, Solihull NHS Care Trust area and Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire. The last 3 maps can be requested from Rich at

BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health, research and evaluation centre to improve and extend the practice of physical activity interventions and promoting physical activity in the UK

British Heart Foundation (BHF) publications

Physical Activity Network, West Midlands, (PANWM)

Sport England Local Sports Profiles, a one stop shop of various information on local areas 

Sport England Research

Sport England in partnership with UK Sport, the Value of Sport Monitor, research on various topics

Sport England, other useful support, planning and strategic work

Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation Publications

Sporting Equals Resources


National Obesity Observatory Publications

West Midlands Public Health Observatory Publications

The Association of Public Health Observatories, Health Profiles

Sports Development Info, physical activity and sport resources, (please note you need to be a member to access some of the resources)

Walking for Health Publications

Walk England Resources

World Health Organisation, Move for Health pages

NHS Choices, Live Well, information on being healthy

If any of the above information or links are inaccurate or not working please email

c/o University of Warwick
Westwood Campus